
I've Never Seen Anything Like It Before Unusual 550 Million Year Old Fossil Solves Paleontological Paradox - SciTechDaily


A groundbreaking discovery of a 550 million-year-old sea sponge fossil offers new insights into sponge evolution and guides future fossil searches. Reconstructed life position of Helicolocellus on Ed ...[Continue Reading]


9 days ago

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A Bonus 'Hitchhiker' Will Come Back From Mars in Perseverance's Sample Tubes - Gizmodo

Isaac Schultz

The Perseverance rover has been toiling on the Martian surface for over three years, collecting rock samples that will eventually be brought to Earth if all goes according to plan. But the rover has ...[Continue Reading]

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New piranha-like fish with 'human teeth' and Eye of Sauron marking found deep within the Amazon -

Harry Baker

A new species of piranha-like fish has been discovered in the Amazon River after secretly masquerading as another, nearly identical species for almost 200 years. Scientists have named the newfound fi ...[Continue Reading]

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Confirmed: Strange debris found in western NC part of SpaceX spacecraft - WRAL News

Ryan Bisesi

It's official: Debris found littered across several places in western North Carolina were part of a SpaceX spacecraft that broke apart during re-entry. A statement from NASA Public Affairs on Thursd ...[Continue Reading]

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Why smaller planets are better at building large moons -

Keith Cooper

New simulations that describe how moons, including Earth 's own moon , formed strongly imply that exomoons are more likely to be found around rocky exoplanets . Our moon is thought to have form ...[Continue Reading]

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Woman who had man's hands transplanted onto her reveals the shocking changes she experienced post-surgery - UNILAD


An Indian woman became the first woman on the planet to don a man's hands - and noticed some shocking changes she experienced since the transplant. Eight years ago, 18-year-old Shreya Siddanagowder ...[Continue Reading]

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